Excellence Platform - Excellence Business

Excellence Platform - Excellence Business

Sunday, 26 May 2013

大企業病 Big Company Sickness

This is the inability for an organisation to remain competitive as it grows.

The innovative direction at CVT (C View Technologies) is very much influenced by my years living and working in Japan and one of the phrases that I first heard back in the late 1980s translates to big-company-sickness. I always thought that this phrase sounded smart but I never really got the full measure of it until I left the large corporate world to start a software business from scratch together with my cofounder Sandrijn Stead.

At CVT we built our Opportunity Capitalisation Dashboard to enable organisations to remain strategically agile and stay ahead of increasingly fierce competition without distracting the day-to-day delivery of the current quarters numbers.

Organisations need a single rolling view of the existing and predicted opportunity levels overlaid by assessed capitalisation capabilities together with what actions are needed to deliver what revenue and by whom.

This approach will get the right people having the right conversations within the organisation and fully clarify tactical and strategic roles and responsibilities.

How successful is your organisation at managing this challenge?